Brendon Grylls, Minister for Regional Development in Western Australia, put out a media release to highlight the C2030 summit and said the Community 2030 (C2030) Summit had been developed to engage community, government, industry and business in ‘big picture’ dialogues, ranging from the city foreshore to housing affordability in Broome.
Mr Grylls said the summits would also drill down into the actions and resources needed to get the projects moving.
“The summits offer a real opportunity to guide and support planning for community infrastructure in Western Australia,” he said.
“C2030 is about asking the tough questions, thinking outside traditional parameters and really listening to what the people of WA want in terms of everything from transport to community infrastructure, like recreational facilities.
“It’s also about looking long term to ensure future generations, both in the metropolitan area and the regions, can grow and prosper.”
Read the full C2030 Media Release here