WA & NZ Join in Mega Science Bid

The Australian and New Zealand governments have agreed to join forces to bid for the A$2.5 billion (NZ$3.1 billion) international Square Kilometre Array (SKA) project. The formal arrangement will be signed by New Zealand’s Economic Development Minister Gerry Brownlee and the Australian Minister for Innovation, Industry, Science and Research, Senator Kim Carr, at the Australia-New Zealand Leadership Forum in Sydney this morning.

The SKA is a large-scale, new-generation radio-telescope that will be by far the most powerful of its type in the world, with a discovery potential 10,000 times greater than current instruments. The SKA will see up to four thousand antennas spread over a five thousand kilometre baseline to create a single deep space listening device.

 The telescope – able to see back to the formation of the first stars – is one of the world’s most significant mega-science projects – on a par with the Large Hadron Collider in Europe. Australia and New Zealand are one of the two shortlisted sites – the other is in Southern Africa. If the array is constructed it will be constructed in Western Austalia. Read more about SKA

Posted by: Andrew
Company: Noble & Associates
Phone: 61894007400
Posted On: 1/1/0001
Contact via email: andrew@nobleaccounting.com.au
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Square Kilometer Array radio telescope coming to Western Australia

The bidding war is still underway between Western Australia & South Africa for the rights to build the most sophisticated radio telescope ever. The $2.5 billion device will be 100 times nore sensitive than any radio telescope built so far and will be backed and funded by a 19 country consortium.

The SKA radio  telescope will either be built in the Karoo or south west region of South Africa or in the mid west of Western Australia. The federal government has already committed $80 million to the Australian National Centre of SKA Science in Perth. The centre is a joint inititive involving both federal & state governments, University of Western Australia, Curtin University and CSIRO, and will be used for super computing purposes.



Posted by: Andrew
Company: Noble & Associates
Phone: 61894007400
Posted On: 1/1/0001
Contact via email: andrew@nobleaccounting.com.au
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