A world beating Australian solar technology emerges

A new solar technology developed in Australia is set to bring down solar energy costs even further. Technique Solar based in Melbourne & run by Prof Ian Bates formally of RMIT University has developed solar panels that are claimed to be four times more efficient & three times cheaper than any comparable existing technology.

The panels are a hybrid of photovoltaic cells & acrylic lenses that are designed to track the sun as it moves across the sky. The design of the panels allows for the production of both heat energy & electricity.

With price per kw/hr expected to be anywhere from one third to one quarter that of existing technology, this recent advance in solar power generation is an initial indicator that the cost of solar power output will follow the price curve that other technologies exhibit which is down.

For more on Technique Solar visit their website

Posted by: Andrew
Company: Noble & Associates
Phone: 61894007400
Posted On: 1/1/0001
Contact via email: andrew@nobleaccounting.com.au
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Nanosolar delivers energy below 10c/Kw/Hr

A new solar panel designed & manufactured by Nanosolar is coming to market! These high output solar panels will be able to produce energy at a cost of about 5 - 6 c/KW/H, which is almost as cheap as energy from fossil fuel plants.

Once solar enegy prices cross this important inflection point, prepare for radical changes in the energy market place. Radical changes can be significantly disruptive at multiple levels. Consider for instance, that low cost solar creates new options for vehicle travel and lowers the threshhold for decentralised power production.

Posted by: Andrew
Company: Noble & Associates
Phone: 61894007400
Posted On: 1/1/0001
Contact via email: andrew@nobleaccounting.com.au
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Solar Energy Breakthrough Could Cut Costs By More Than 50%

A US-based company has successfully tested a revolutionary solar panel, that is expected to cut the costs of photovoltaic solar power generation by more than 50 per cent, and herald a new era of improved efficiency and lower production costs of solar energy globally. The panel, known as the Alubond Solar Collector Panel (SCP), was created by American Building Technologies, a subsidiary of the UAE-based multinational group Mulk Holdings. Commenting on the breakthrough, a spokesman for Mulk said, “We hope the success of this project will lead to an upsurge in the development of more solar energy plants, which will not only lessen the strain on existing energy resources, but also severely reduce the pollution levels that are currently witnessed in power generation.” Original - http://cleantechnica.com/2009/01/19/solar-energy-breakthrough-could-cut-costs-by-more-than-50/

Posted by: Andrew
Company: Noble & Associates
Phone: 61894007400
Posted On: 1/1/0001
Contact via email: andrew@nobleaccounting.com.au
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