Buckminster Fuller's Grand Strategy


For solving Global Problems

Buckminster Fuller's Critical Path

Posted by: Andrew
Company: Noble & Associates
Phone: 61894007400
Posted On: 1/1/0001
Contact via email: andrew@nobleaccounting.com.au
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Categories: Climate Change | Energy
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Secession Rumblings in Western Australia

The latest Centralist government tactic to attempt to control WA mineral wealth via way of a super profits rent tax has stoked the fires of secession.

Secession for WA could take a number of forms as pressure mounts from multiple points to fight the federal government. Kevin Rudd came to power believing that society?s ills can be solved from the centre via a communist model rather from the edges via a capitalist model. History is replete with examples of failed centralist moves to cater to the needs of the population.

Centralists believe they have the solution and can deploy resources for the masses most effectively. The reality is that capitalism is the ultimate evolutionary search engine and no central government could ever compete with the efficiency, dedication or imagination of capitalists.

The best role a government can play is to reduce its? functions to an absolute necessity and provide a level playing field for capitalists to go about their business. That means ensuring property rights, and ensuring universal access to education and health.

Posted by: Andrew
Company: Noble & Associates
Phone: 61894007400
Posted On: 1/1/0001
Contact via email: andrew@nobleaccounting.com.au
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Virtual Reality ........... emerging reality


European researchers have used
immersive virtual reality in the
first experiment to show that body
ownership can be transferred to a
virtual body. A first-person
perspective of a life-sized virtual
human female body that appears to
substitute the male subjects' own
bodies was sufficient to generate a
body transfer illusion. Read on

Posted by: Andrew
Company: Noble & Associates
Phone: 61894007400
Posted On: 1/1/0001
Contact via email: andrew@nobleaccounting.com.au
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Categories: Cool Links
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40% Rent Tax for Western Australia on Minerals Trade

Comrade Rudd has once again determined that the central government is more effective at reallocating wealth than the marketplace and is looking at taxing super profits from the mining industry. Super profits are defined as profits above the long term bond yield.

Unfortunately what Rudd never counted on was the fact that small miners are always a few dollars away from not being able to fund their mining ventures. A rent tax is a death knell to many potential projects simply because the tax raises the cost of capital.

Additionally, many of the shares of the mining companies are ultimately owned by every day Australian via their Superannuation portfolios.

Posted by: Andrew
Company: Noble & Associates
Phone: 61894007400
Posted On: 1/1/0001
Contact via email: andrew@nobleaccounting.com.au
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